Antonio Aitoro
Our Company GenomSys turned on the engines at the end of a strategic management turnaround and is back to the market with a new team, new partners and a new MPEG-G based SW platform.
In times of growing volumes of sequencing data the benefits of the only existing ISO standard on the market are evident and will have a strategic impact on the growth of the genomic medicine industry. This is not the time for a light approach and not the time for easy money.
Mass market genetic screening remain long apart from the medical mainstream. Only in recent years, new generation of doctors began to train in genetics and gained the basis to appreciate and “drive” a genetic testing for their patients as key interpretation asset. But we are still distant from the point where extensive application of genetic testing and interpretation will be widespread, generally accepted, deeply known and could finally unleash their true potential.
In congresses and scientific publications we continue reading about DNA-tailor made drugs or about the benefits of genetic risk assessment but we have a long and perilous path in front of us. But there are real advantages that cannot be masked or misinterpreted.
Next Generation Sequencing gave us a real understanding of how some diseases work and can be beaten. We focus on the positive implementation of the newborn sequencing that is spreading in Italy with exciting results and could leverage and unleash the power of genetic testing in the future. Meanwhile the cost of implementation of the SW solutions is skyrocketing and put the whole Companies of this market in the constant need of proper financing. Recruitment of excellent professionals, bioinformatics, SW and cloud architects and scientists is a significant part of this complexity.
Our vision is simple, solid and based on a value claim. We want to be the “ADOBE” of genetics and look to our MPEG-G ISO IEC 23092 standard as the “PDF” of the genomic market. Apparently, the keys to adoption of this standard are crystal clear and understandable. The MPEG-G allows selective access to compressed data, data streaming (as his “father” MPEG) supporting packetization, compressed file concatenation, aggregation, enforcement of any kind of privacy rule via selective encryption of data and metadata, annotation and incremental update.
The solution is “no fear”, as interoperability with main existing technologies is guaranteed from the first line of code. The total adherence to this standard is our distinctive character. We will continue developing our MPEG-G TOOLKIT ® (the compressor), the GVA (GenomSys Variant Analyzer) for secondary efficient analysis and the GenomYou ® app, an enabling tool for data collection, storage, communication and connection with the control tower of the therapies.
On the very beginning of the new life of the Company, we had the luck (not only the chance … but the honor) to meat the wonderful team of our “partner” Company GENOGRA, a group of bioengineers and science enthusiasts born in the nest of one of the proudest academic institutions in Italy, the Polytechnic of Milan. GENOGRA gave us the first resources to restart our SW development and injected pure blood in our strategy. Nowadays we are planning a full integration of the pan-genome graph based solutions of the GENOGRA platform as a co-designed feature of our new GVA. The best is yet to come.
We are developing new features for our platform. The first is GSC (GenomSys Crypt ®), a scalable and flexible solution to grant selective encryption (with the new “quantum safe” features). The second, currently in advanced phase of testing, is our MPEG-G Browser, a “white label” tool that will be offered and personalized for Research Centers to match specific projects requirements. The third is the new version of GenomSys Blood Genotyper, that will go to market in the next months with its new features confronting the issue of structural variants.
We will focus continuously on leveraging user interface and usability of our solutions in order to gain commitment, curiosity and adherence by our customers. Our vision continues to spread to the BtoC unique solution of our GenomYou ® APP that will be transformed in a power “white label” communication, storage and self-driven analysis tool. We are enthusiast and committed. And yet we have a strategic asset inside our Board.
On July 2024, a successful woman took the helm of our Company as President and Chairman. Luisa is already adding a personal touch to our strategy and she is our strongest supporter. Luisa’s presence and advice guarantees that our management of the Company will be always driven by the main principles of respect, dignity, gender parity and inclusion.
GenomSys is a place where no one cares on who you are, where you come from, what are your ideas or your beliefs. This is a place where professionals come with their skills, continue to “sharpen the saw” of their exclusive and distinctive competences and deliver effortlessly for the ultimate benefit of the health of our Communities.
Antonio Aitoro
Chief Executive Officer
Lugano (CH), July 2024