We are pleased to announce that GenomSoft parent company GenomSys has been selected in the Bilan/UBS “50 Swiss startups in which to invest 2019”.
For the 7th year, the French-speaking Swiss reference for business news Bilan and its partners (Startupticker, Innosuisse, BioAlps, CleantechAlps, Innovaud, MassChallenge, Kickstart…) are publishing the annual special print issue “50 Swiss startup in which to invest” . The objective of this issue is to put forward innovative and high-potential startups under the following sectors: ICT B2B, ICT B2C, Fintech, Hardware, Cleantech, Biotech, Medtech, social impact, Foodtech.
Past editions have allowed successful deals and partnerships agreements following the publication of the special report. Furthermore, thiis dedicated issue brings great visibility to the company through the online and print coverage. After the print publication and the celebration event that took place at the Royal Savoy in Lausanne on March 12th, in fact, each selected start-up will be presented on Bilan’s website on a standalone basis.