Learn more about Alexandre and his recap of 2022 at GenomSys and his outlook for 2023 for himself and the company through the following quick questions:

Good morning and happy New Year Alexandre. Starting of easy, which fun-fact did you learn this year?

Thanks to my colleagues I discovered I am actually pretty decent at playing foosball. Particularly thanks to Nicolò for using part of his bonus to acquire a foosball table for the team in Lugano.

What was your most outstanding achievement at GenomSys in 2022?

This year I have been working a fair deal on automatizing our continuous integration and deployment workflows for both our GenomSys Variant Analyzer-pipeline and GenomSys Blood Typer tool. I gave the bioinformatic team a clean separation between our development workflows and the backend team’s. With our own development workflow well defined, it became easier sketching automatic tools that prevent manual and redundant tasks such as development and testing in containers, building and deploying containers images, syncing branches and images with the backend workflows. Providing bioinformaticians with tools that are always simpler to use, taking away as much complexity as possible and seeing development efficiency improve in front of new requirements and an expanding code base is a big achievement for me. The team has been able to focus mainly on developing.

What was the most important thing you learned in 2022?

This year’s mission was about spreading our technology to more clients. As a tech guy and thanks to my coworkers, I came to realize how laborious and time consuming a task is finding and securing clients, even with already available products.

What are your expectations for you and/or GenomSys for 2023?

I expect to give a boost to the pipeline resource usage and job distribution on our cloud architecture in order to have faster and cheaper analysis. This will require a study of compatible tools offered by the cloud provider and a lot of tuning of the pipelines. I think my crossed insights between the workflow manager (Snakemake), software development and architecture can help.

Another expectation I have in mind is making the pipelines (GenomSys Variant Analyzer and GenomSys Blood Typer) more modular to lower development and synchronization times between common parts.

If you have any further questions for Alexandre or about GenomSys, please feel free to contact us.

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