
News and updates

International Standards and their benefits - International Standards are technical standards developed by experts belonging to international organizations under the coordination of entities such as ISO,… ...
GenomSys, the Swiss startup disrupting genomics information handling closes a CHF 9.3 million Series A investment round - GenomSys, a software company which develops ISO compliant technology for efficient processing and sharing of DNA data, announced it has… ...
HIMSS Insights on the advantages of the MPEG-G Standard - HIMSS Insights speaks to Mikel Hernaez, director of computational genomics at the Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology at… ...
GenomSys selected in the Bilan 50 Swiss Startups - We are pleased to announce that GenomSoft parent company GenomSys has been selected in the Bilan/UBS “50 Swiss startups in… ...
MPEG-G at Stanford Compression Workshop 2019 - On February 15th Mikel Hernaez, the current Director for Computational Genomics at the Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology… ...
GenomSys among the highest ratings in the Eurostars programme - GenomSys ranks 27th in the Eurostars programme ranking out of 287 eligible applications by SMEs covering all scientific disciplines. GenomSys… ...
GenomSys à l’origine d’un standard de compression des données génomiques - La start-up Suisse GenomSys sera présente au GA4GH (Global Alliance for Genomics and Health) Connect à Bâle, qui dévoilera son… ...
The Hutch Report on MPEG-G as the coming standard for the Genomics industry - “One thousand petabytes of genomic data are already being stored worldwide, and the aggregate cost of genomic storage is expected… ...
IEEE Spectrum on genomic data compression - The September 2018 issue of the IEEE Spectrum magazine features an in-depth review of the current status of genomic data… ...
Joint MPEG-GA4GH Workshop on Genomic Sequencing Data Compression - GA4GH – MPEG, Basel 3rd October 2018 Call for Contributions The amount of genome sequencing data generated day by day… ...