
GenomSys in the News

GenomSys in la Repubblica - "Nei prossimi mesi — spiega — abbiamo un grande lavoro da fare per finalizzare e pubblicare l’app che renderà possibile… ... March 1, 2021
Interview of our CEO Alessio Ascari by GenomeWeb - "Our purpose is to bring personalized medicine and genomics really closer to the individual, but with high protection of privacy.… ... February 26, 2021
GenomSys on Innosuisse - Genome sequencing, i.e. the decoding of DNA, is becoming cheaper. This is widening the applications of DNA analysis, for example… ... January 16, 2021
HIMSS Insights on the advantages of the MPEG-G Standard - HIMSS Insights speaks to Mikel Hernaez, director of computational genomics at the Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology at… ... May 2, 2019
GenomSys selected in the Bilan 50 Swiss Startups - We are pleased to announce that GenomSoft parent company GenomSys has been selected in the Bilan/UBS “50 Swiss startups in… ... March 19, 2019
GenomSys among the highest ratings in the Eurostars programme - GenomSys ranks 27th in the Eurostars programme ranking out of 287 eligible applications by SMEs covering all scientific disciplines. GenomSys… ... December 20, 2018
The Hutch Report on MPEG-G as the coming standard for the Genomics industry - “One thousand petabytes of genomic data are already being stored worldwide, and the aggregate cost of genomic storage is expected… ... September 14, 2018
IEEE Spectrum on genomic data compression - The September 2018 issue of the IEEE Spectrum magazine features an in-depth review of the current status of genomic data… ... August 23, 2018