GenomSys in the News
GenomSys on - "The genomic community was able to massively cut down sequencing time continuously since the Human Genome project in 2003, with… ... GenomSys on Swiss IT Magazine - GenomSys ist eines von zehn Start-ups die am diesjährigen Mobile World Congress in Barcelona die Schweiz vertretenwerden. Die neuesten Mitglieder… ... GenomSys on ‘AGEFI - "I joined GenomSys because their disruptive view of personalized medicine perfectly matches what I envision. Smart and simple personalized applications… ... GenomSys on Biopôle - "Our new office in Ticino reflects our mindset – multi-cultural, multi-disciplinary and future-oriented, a little Switzerland in a company, and… ... GenomSys on Innosuisse - Genome sequencing, i.e. the decoding of DNA, is becoming cheaper. This is widening the applications of DNA analysis, for example… ...
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