
News and updates

GenomSys - MPEG-G: The trail blazer for a consistent data trail in genetics
MPEG-G paves the way for a reliable data trail in genetics - International Standards are technical standards developed by experts belonging to international organizations under the coordination of entities such as ISO,… ...
GenomSys - MPEG-G Enhancing EHR with the all-in-one-place format for genomics
Enhancing EHR with the all-in-one-place format for genomics MPEG-G - International Standards are technical standards developed by experts belonging to international organizations under the coordination of entities such as ISO,… ...
GenomSys Variant Analyzer – new features - We are happy to let you know that we have just released the latest version of our CE-marked software GenomSys… ...
GenomSys - Blood and Genomics
Our Blood and our Genes - All 30 trillion cells in our body contain DNA be it bone cells, muscle cells, nerve cells or blood cells.[1]… ...
GenomSys @ Jornada Bioinformática en Aragón
Meet us at Jornada Bioinformática en Aragón in Spain - GenomSys will be participating at the Jornada Bioinformática en Aragón in Spain on November 30th. Our colleague Juan Diaz, bioinformatician… ...
GenomSys - MPEG-G & Population Genomics
MPEG-G supporting Population Genomics - Over the past decade, the world has been experiencing a drastic increase in data generation. Since 2013 the global digital… ...
GenomSys - MPEG-G Enhancing EHR with the all-in-one-place format for genomics
MPEG-G: Enhancing EHR with the all-in-one-place format for genomics - International Standards are technical standards developed by experts belonging to international organizations under the coordination of entities such as ISO,… ...
GenomSys - MPEG-G: The trail blazer for a consistent data trail in genetics
MPEG-G: The trail blazer for a consistent data trail in genetics - International Standards are technical standards developed by experts belonging to international organizations under the coordination of entities such as ISO,… ...
GenomSys - Securing the core of who we are – our DNA information
Securing the core of who we are – our DNA information - International Standards are technical standards developed by experts belonging to international organizations under the coordination of entities such as ISO,… ...
GenomSys - MPEG-G, can I eat it - The Interoperability Benefit
Interoperability is key for a steady medical progress - International Standards are technical standards developed by experts belonging to international organizations under the coordination of entities such as ISO,… ...